It's the Guns, Stupid

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sat, 15 Jul 2006 11:27:57 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

L. Neil Smith at Random - comments on the difference between the plumetting crime rate in Florida and the escalating rates in New York City and DC and Great Britain. Guns are responsible, of course. Disarm the honest people, and the criminals take advantage. Arm them, and the criminals run away. Simple really, unless you're stupid, insane, or evil.

The simple truth, of course, is that Washington's crime rates have always been scandalously high. The place is a combination theme park and war zone. The only reason for the sudden flurry of publicity is that a British volunteer for a famous and important -- read, "evil and corrupt" -- political candidate was killed in a spectacularly ugly way, and the cops, their asses thoroughly chewed by the politicians, are milling around hysterically like ants whose hill has been kicked in.

Nothing will come of their new policies, because their new policies are their old policies plus a press conference. This is a city that fights crime by requiring a police permit for a camera tripod.

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Comments (1):

gun control is stupid

Submitted by FLU-BIRD on Mon, 26 Jan 2009 06:24:00 GMT

Liberals say if we banned all the guns everyone would be safe YEAH TELL THAT TO ENGLAND where they banned all guns and now have a crime rate higher then ours and one must wonder about liberals WHATS BECOME OF THEIR BRAINS? DO THEY EVEN HAVE ANY BRAINS THAT HAVENT BEEN WARPED OUT ON TOO MUCH lsd AND BOOZE?

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