
Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sun, 28 Feb 2010 22:21:13 GMT  <== Quote ==> 

From TLE:

Have you ever watched a snake eat? As it swallows its prey whole, the jaw stretches wide open. The bottom jaw separates at the chin so that each half can work somewhat independently. Then one side will slide forward a ways, then pull backwards while the other half slides forward. The snake's teeth are backwards curving so that the prey will only move in one direction; down the snake's throat. This is similar to our situation. The Democrats are the left jaw and the Republicans are the right. Bureaucracy and counterfeit "laws" are the top jaw, pressing down on us. Any evidence that they are not all part of the same snake's mouth are an illusion. First one party gets into office and slides forward, then waits when the other party gains control. It is a dance of death for us, the prey. Slowly, inexorably leading straight down into the belly of the beast.

--Kent McManigal

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