Redeclaration of the American Republic

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Thu, 18 Feb 2010 12:44:27 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Rayservers blog - a transcription of Dr. Sam Kennedy's "Take No Prisoners" radio show, on Sunday, January 31, with links to sound files. Mirrored here. Text of the declaration alone, without the introduction or sound wave links, below. Be sure to check out more details of The Restore America Plan at

The sovereign People of the united States of America declare the following:

We the People inhabiting the North American continent, free men and women, convene under God having been granted by the Creator the dominion over all the earth to restore the Blessings of Liberty for ourselves and the Posterity, do hereby invoke our Sacred Right to alter or abolish a destructive government as memorialized in the unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, c. 1776, by declaring herewith a solemn Declaration to the people of the earth and all governments and nations derived there from;

Whereas, we do not now, nor have we ever been, possessed of a desire to relinquish any of our unalienable Rights for the dubious benefits of limited liability or any other compelled, revocable, privileges of a subject-class citizenship of the United States, nor to relinquish every aspect of our lives to corporations posing as legitimate governments;

Whereas, we do not now nor have we ever entered into a binding contract, agreement, or trust relationship with any person, living or fictitious, with the fully informed and willful intent to deprive ourselves, or to be deprived by others, of any unalienable Rights granted to us by the self-existing Creator and guaranteed by the Constitutions of the free republics of North America and the united States of America republic, c. 1787;

Whereas, we have become aware that each of the free American republics and the constitutional republic of the united States of America, c. 1787, have been preempted by military power and emasculated by fraudulent, coercive, and deceitful methods of economic and political warfare imposed by corporations posing as legitimate governments.

Therefore, we, the sovereign People of the free American republics do hereby and herewith:

1. Assemble under God for all the world to hear and see upon each state's signatories hereto numbering at least twenty-six souls and organized under God as the well-regulated Guardians of the Free Republics;

2. Restore and re-inhabit through this Declaration the legitimate constitutional governments of these free republics in peace and harmony;

3. Conclude the era of illicit corporate governance by renouncing in the presence of the Creator forever, and without contrived ambiguity, all permissions, delegations of authority, and grants of attorney, real or imagined, to corporations posing as legitimate governments, in particular the United States Federal Corporation and all subdivisions thereof;

4. Assemble upon each state's signatories hereto numbering to at least twenty-six souls de jure Grand Juries in the People's common law, herein authorized in remedy of the self-evident expositions of truth attached hereunder to forthwith:

A. Order and conduct forensic accounting of the various trusts, so-called legacy accounts attributed to the people, to facilitate a return to the people of the wealth which has been taken by fraudulent artifice on the part of the banking institutions of this or any country in particular the ill-gotten gains of foreclosure and fraudulent foreign taxation;

B. To peacefully eliminate all existing government structures, entities, and agencies that have been derived from the de facto corporations posing as legitimate governments; to issue orders to the military, police, and corporate powers of the land, and;

C. To enforce our Divine rights to such lawful government as was already ensured by our constitutions and restore de facto actors to lawful de jure capacity duly confined by the constitutions of these republics and replace the non-compliant; thus, restoring to each and every American their in law, dry land, Divine Rights of birth, and the fruits of their individual and ancestral labor as quickly, efficiently, and discretely as possible without causing undue alarm or stress, and without malice for anyone.

5. Forgive in the Name of the Creator all who repent their political and economic misdeeds.

It is hereby so decreed and ordered by the sovereign People of these free American republics assembled herein.

Friends, that is the text of the one-page declaration that we are bringing forth this week to which is attached another thirty or so pages of orders and decrees.

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Comments (3):

You have got to be kidding!

Submitted by LB BORK on Wed, 24 Feb 2010 19:08:32 GMT

You believe this nutjob, Kennedy?

See this for more information

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I just thought it was interesting

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Wed, 24 Feb 2010 19:29:11 GMT

I just thought it was interesting. Can't say I understand common law, but I sure as hell know that what's happening these days in the US federal government has nothing whatsoever to do with "law". It's pure tyranny. Rotten to the core.

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Guardians in the mainstream news

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sat, 03 Apr 2010 00:27:01 GMT

Guardians in the mainstream news, concerning their letter telling governors to resign:

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