Lyrics Alone

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Mon, 22 Mar 2010 04:23:21 GMT  <== Entertainment ==> 

Lyrics Alone is a web site I built over the last week. It is blazingly fast for viewing lyrics, served as text-only static html files, and it's very easy for anyone to add new artists and lyrics. I'm counting on you my readers, and word of mouth, and Google, to make it into a major resource for song lyrics on the web. Click that link, or the image below, to read the story of why I added yet another to the hundreds (thousands?) of lyrics sites out there. And post some lyrics.

Lyrics Alone

Full disclosure: I intend to add Amazon and iTunes text links, with referral payments, to the artist and lyric pages, as they're posted. I hope that revenue from those referrals will support my hosting costs, and maybe buy a new toy now and then. Or maybe I'll get lucky...

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