Killing Osama
L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - Neil elucidates the assassination of Osama bin Laden as another horrific crime committed by our increasingly criminal government.
What any five-year-old knows, of course, and what conservatives appear to have forgotten, is that it doesn't matter how good that objective may be, if you have to achieve it by doing evil. To put it into more familiar words, and succinctly, the end cannot justify the means.
It doesn't matter how repulsive a given individual may be, there is absolutely nothing that justifies violating someone else's border (especially if you spend half your time whimpering about your own border being violated), smashing your way into someone's home without the faintest trace of anything remotely resembling due process of law, terrorizing and murdering its occupants, and killing the head of the household while he's sitting, unarmed and in his underwear, in his bedroom.
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