Every Dead Narc is One Small Step for Freedom

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sun, 12 Feb 2006 14:47:20 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Hogeye Bill - a "tribute" to Asa Hutchinson, complete with MP3 and Real Audio performance of the lyrics below. Bravo! Check out his anarchism page.

The only good narc is a dead narc
That's the lesson for today.
So if you get half a chance
Then blow their ass away.
They kidnap their neighbors
And put them in the pen.
The brown-shirts did it to the Jews
Now the narcs are doing it again.

What is there to do about
Barbaric violent thugs
Who kidnap and torment peaceful folk
'Cause they don't like their kind of drugs.
Being Jew or doin' drugs
Sure don't harm no one.
I've never seen anything more damn evil
Than the jackboots and their guns.

Don't forget that every person
Has a right to self defense.
If aggressor wears a uniform
It makes no difference.
A kidnapper is a kidnapper,
A brute with badge still brute.
And I say if you get a half a change
Put a gun to his head and shoot.

The only good narc is a dead narc
Know how to garrote.
If a narc should turn his back to you
I beg you: slit his throat.
One less serial kidnapper
To prey on society
Send that brown-shirt Nazi thug
To eternity.

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