Don't Store Your Laptop Under Your Pillow

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Thu, 30 Mar 2006 11:58:53 GMT  <== Humor ==> 

Melted Keyboard

Click image for closeup of keys (109k, 1084x451 pixels).

The computer was under my daughter's bed last night. I brought it downstairs, closed, and opened it, with the expectation of doing some web surfing (my son was playing Guild Wars on my Windoze machine). What a surprise! "I'm melting, melting." She said that she had put it under her pillow one night. I took the keycaps off to see if the switches beneath still worked. Some did. The "Return" key did not. Apple would probably fix it for $300, but I don't think we'll bother. It's an old machine. I put the keycaps back in their places for the photo.

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I don't think the heat from

Submitted by Don Galt on Thu, 30 Mar 2006 18:13:22 GMT

I don't think the heat from her head could do that... maybe a radiator. I have a powerbook much like that one... its probably worth replacing. I believe the keyboard replacement is $50 from an apple store (get the service part) and you can replace it yourself with instructions on the web. The laptop has to be worth a couple hundred dollars at leat-- $400 on ebay for a first generation titanium powerbook.

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I wasn't thinking heat from

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Thu, 30 Mar 2006 18:57:04 GMT

I wasn't thinking heat from her head. I was thinking it was the laptop's own heat, building up with no airflow. But it's also possible that it was close to the radiator.

The machine still booted, though the power button was sticky. Maybe we can salvage it.

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