Claire Reviews V for Vendetta

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Mon, 27 Mar 2006 20:11:40 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Claire Wolfe - Claire's a little late to the party seeing V for Vendetta, and I might not have linked to her account, but if you've delayed seeing it, maybe her opinion will change your mind. I hope so. [claire]

I haven't been so emotionally engaged by a freedom film since Braveheart. I haven't seen a more important freedom film since The Matrix. No. Strike that. V for Vendetta is more important than The Matrix because its message is so unabashedly here-and-now. So in-your-face. Not to mention that like The Matrix it wraps its message in one hell of an action-adventure story.

This is a movie without compromise. No words minced. No concepts softpedaled or cleverly coded. V for Vendetta overtly advocates the right, even the duty, of individuals in the twenty-first century to defend themselves violently against government tyranny. And the government in question is a recognizable near-future descendent of ones that now lie oozing and festering before our very noses.

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