Democide Is Painless

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Tue, 16 Aug 2011 12:40:27 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - on the new Hitlers in our midst, those who propose, via Agenda 21, to commit democide on a scale hitherto unimaginable. Excretion in point: Audrey F. Tomason, Director for Counterterrorism for the National Security Council. Godwin's Law doesn't apply when the people you're talking about really ARE like Hitler.

Some few—I'm sure they'd like to see their names mentioned here—on the excuse that the world isn't ready yet to hear what they believe, tend to give brave speeches at "scientific" conferences where all cameras and recorders have been prohibited. They would like to weaponize the Ebola virus, aerosolize it, and employ the world's huge fleets of strategic bombers to execute everyone they don't approve of in the most excruciating and horrible way imaginable, betraying their actual motivation, a deeply-seated hatred for all of their fellow human beings which finds its origin in an even deeper hatred for themselves.

The milder sort merely want to regiment the population, finally controlling every facet and every moment of our lives in the name of saving energy or cutting carbon emissions, so that we slowly starve to death in overcrowded tenements or die of cold, excessive heat, or despair.

Of course the same restrictions won't apply to them. They'll all be given luxurious dachas in the otherwise deserted countryside as a reward for years of faithful public service. And they'll want to save a few hundred million younger, prettier peasants as hewers of wood, drawers of water, and suckers of—well, I'm sure you get the picture.

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