Bomb Threat Posed by Pants, Belts

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sat, 12 Aug 2006 12:40:13 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Randy Dotinga at Wired - try as they might, the sekurity goons will never be able to stop all the bombs, short of caivty searches and airline-supplied clothing. They're just too easy to hide. But you can bet they'll keep banning stuff, just to look like they're doing something. [wired]

"When you travel, you are not protected against terrorists who bring explosives on their person or in carry-on luggage," said Hans Weber, a San Diego aviation security consultant. "It's a bigger problem than liquids."


"As long as we are determined to handle the threat by looking for bad things, like bombs and knives, we are in a race we can't win," Weber said. "What we have to do is start looking for bad people, but that's unacceptable."

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