Keep Your Jesus off My Penis
Keep your Jesus off my penis.
Keep your Bible off my balls.
Keep your prayers outa my ears
And your crosses off my walls.
You can keep the Virgin Mother
And the resurrection too.
Keep your Jesus off my penis.
I'll keep my penis offa you.
So you're screamin' bloody murder
'Bout the Taliban regime.
Their subjugatin' women
And bein' too extreme.
And basin' legislation
On some ancient holy book.
That sound a bit familiar?
Here's America. Have a look!
Keep your Jesus off my penis.
I'll keep my pe-nis of-fa youuuuuuu.
(That's iffin you want me to).
# Fran Tully - Can you help me understand how gun ownership helps? - level the playing field vs. street vermin, keep gummint in its place, personal responsibility. Don't get a permit, EVER. "Through a private sale is the only way I would ever suggest getting a gun." [saltypig]