Pulsed Fast Neutron Analysis Cargo Inspection System
"My feeling is that aliens don't bother to use ships--they travel from mind to mind. And that they don't bother with us because of the pan-galactic taboo on child molestation." -- Nick Herbert
I updated my Muzzle Energy Computer to take bullet weight in grains, grams, or ounces, and to take diameter in inches, millimeters, or gauge. It converts from the one you change to the other two. I also added a 12 gauge slug load to the buttons that auto-populate the fields. 12 gauge is .73 caliber.
My books arrived from Liberty Book Shop. Yay! They were mailed on May 22, the same day I ordered them, but since I chose the cheap shipping, took 8 days to get here from Vegas. I am thoroughly enjoying A Lodging of Wayfaring Men.
Too Stupid to Be President - Flight of the Chickenhawks - an episode of "The No-Fly Zone", hosted by Rod Serling, in which the chickenhawks get their chance to serve in Iraq. Hehe. 985K Flash animation. Worth the wait. [pointfreedom]
Philip Cornford, Malcolm Brown and Tom Allard at The Sydney Morning
Herald -
Bloody battle for Qantas jet - a man attempted to hijack an
Australian jet-liner with two sharpened wooden stakes. Expect the
Taking Scissors Away folks to start searching all bags for similar
weapons. The passengers on this jet illustrated the reason we don't
need the t.s.a. folks. They stopped this crazy, with their bare
hands. [grabbe]
Lew Rockwell at the Ludwig von Mises Institute - The Blessings of Deflation - why, contrary to the bleatings in the mainstream press, you should rejoice, not panic, at deflation. [lew]
Beth Quinn at The Times Herald-Record - A sad obituary for a dearly departed friend: Freedom - well done Memorial Day piece. [sierra]
Today we mourn the passing of a cherished friend.
His name was Freedom.
Freedom has been dying a slow death since Oct. 26, 2001, when Congress passed the USA PATRIOT Act without debate or discussion, thereby administering a lethal dose of poison to Freedom.
Weakened and in pain, Freedom lost the will to live. His health further deteriorated as he came to understand that Americans were indifferent to the threat to his life.
Freedom was predeceased by his older brother, Common Sense. His death occurred 45 days after the birth of his archenemies, Fear and Hatred, born Sept. 11, 2001, at the Twin Towers in New York City.
It was Americans themselves who administered the final death blow to Freedom. It is likely that Freedom's precarious condition was weakened by a broken heart in the realization that many Americans were either unaware that he was in jeopardy or did not care.
Some said it didn't matter if Freedom died because it was the price they were willing to pay for protection against Terrorism, the Stepfather of Fear and Hatred. Americans forgot what Freedom's Founding Fathers so fervently believed: Without Freedom, there can never be safety.
Freedom's burial will be held at the convenience of the Bush Administration. Arrangements are being made under the direction of Attorney General John Ashcroft.
In lieu of flowers, please send a letter to your congressman.
Federal Register via Cryptome - Notice of Availability for Public Viewing of the Draft Environmental Assessment for the Pulsed Fast Neutron Analysis Cargo Inspection System Test Facility at the Ysleta Port of Entry Commercial Cargo Facility, El Paso, TX - an x-ray like system that can detect the presence inside containers of specific materials, such as cocaine or explosives. You can forget carrying your rifle in your trunk once this technology becomes widespread. [cryptome]
Rick Stanley now has a blog at rickstanley.blogspot.com. It was set up by Doug Kenline, not Rick, so hard to say how much Rick will use it, but he's posted an entry on Thursday about his latest arrest.