Don't Worry, Buy Duct Tape

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Mon, 17 Feb 2003 13:00:00 GMT
Media Mike - Don't Worry, Buy Duct Tape - hilarious rendition of Bobby McFerrin's classic. Requires Real Player. More songs here. [scopeny]

There's a new issue of Doing Freedom: CYA: February 2003.

J.J. Johnson at Sierra Times - SAVING FACE: A Message to the Bush Administration - some plain talk to which the D.C. cadre would do well to listen.

To Bush, and Co.: What would happen if we woke up one morning and heard that all the weapons and troop installations in North Korea were smoldering ruins? Would there be too much protest? Would it be that difficult to walk to the podium and justify your actions? How many Congressman (especially out west) would really have something negative to say?

Let's look at the positive signs: folks see a full overnight blitz of one cantankerous country, with what's left of the standing army surrendering in droves. Western threat solved... then send a loving, charming delegation to Iraq with a North Korea satellite photo album.

"Hey, Saddam -- THIS is what a disarmed country looks like."

I'd bet there'd be a lot of changed minds in Iraq and at the UN.


If the Bush Administration deems Iraq is such a threat to our nation, and the UN wants to stand in the way, then why not simply tell the United Nations delegations something purely diplomatic:

"Dear members of the World Body:

Due to the heightened threat status in this country, the United States is currently not able to ensure the safety of the members here. Therefore, we are closing the UN building immediately, for security reasons. We suggest this delegation find another country more suitable to their taste and their safety. During your move, the United States will be reviewing our need to send a delegation, since it's obvious our nation's safety isn't a primary concern of this body. Oh, and by the way, we won't be sending money or troops for your disposal either."

The United States of America.


NEWSFLASH: The American people will not tolerate living in fear and chaos for long periods of time. Nor will they tolerate being attacked and targeted around the world and even in our own country. The talk we're hearing: people taking matters into their own hands. This might cause a little friction with those secret 'emergency plans' government officials may be cooking up at this time. Let's be blunt so there is no misunderstanding: Passing laws that makes 'everyone a terrorist' will do just that -- make everyone become "terrorists". Then it won't be about protecting America's freedom anymore -- it'll be about the federal government maintaining its control of the public at large, and anyone found 'fighting for freedom' will be considered a 'terrorist'.

Listen up Washington: The American people aren't as stupid as you'd like to think. You know people are out there buying more than just duct tape and plastic, but let's not go into details. Don't consider this a threat. Consider it reality. If America is plunged into chaos (due to government stupidity), edicts from On High will become less important than actions to be taken locally. It may come to a point where local actions may fly in the face of federal law. Don't kill the messenger here, and I'm sure I'm not the only person who is aware of this. It's probably a hot topic of discussion inside the beltway, behind closed doors these days.

The Libertarian Enterprise - Letter from Jack Jerome - Mr. Jerome has finally flipped his lid. And with good reason. [tle]

I recognize that separately these few examples seem innocent enough, but taken together they begin to weave a tapestry that looks eerily familiar to students of both history and speculative fiction. It's the footprint of dictatorship, and if you look down, you can see its outlines on your chest.

L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - What Ever Happenned to TV? - bemoans the death of good broadcast television and the drek that has replaced it. Presents an idea to turn things around. [tle]

What are these programs being replaced with? For the most part, police state "reality" shows in which "heroic" police officers pursue despicable badguys, smash their cars up, smash their doors down, and smash their teeth in--and a neat if mendacious disclaimer at the end of the program assures us that nobody's rights were violated in the process of enforcing unconstitutional laws. I've always believed that the real purpose of such shows is to desensitize the American public and get them accustomed to living under a vile, violent, and absolute despotism.


None of these programs offer heroes, or set standards to aspire to (except those considered necessary in Soviet Man). Instead, they act constantly to lower the bar by showing us carefully-selected specimens of failed humanity--or in some instances hiring actors to portray them -- in an effort to convince us all that human beings are animals, unfit to live their own lives, and that everyone must be watched by the government, nurtured, and kept from hurting ourselves and each other.


Write to the sponsors, instead, whose ads precede and follow each program segment. The connection between sponsor and program isn't as direct as it once was. I don't think that matters. Don't be specific. Tell them you find the current program revolting and that you want to see something better. Send a copy to the Federal Communications Commission.

That'll wake up the sponsors if nothing else does.

John Taylor at The Libertarian Enterprise - She's Dead ... Wrapped in Plastic - on the death liberty in America. [tle]

(New Berlin, Untied Statists of Amerika)--"Lady Liberty", the icon of Amerikan freedom, was found dead today, apparently asphyxiated. She was wrapped head to foot in regulation plastic and red duct tape. Forensic specialists are examining the body for signs of rape, though it appears that she expired without a struggle.

William Stone, III at The Libertarian Enterprise - Endgame - there's no going back. The terror alerts and the Amerikan KBG are here to stay, until the endgame, that is, which will happen in our lifetimes. I hope Mr. Stone is right, though he forgot to say how incredibly painful it will be. [tle]

Jim Lesczynski at The Libertarian Enteprise - Ernie, Bernie and Me - the originator of the New York City "Guns for Tots" protest tells his story. [tle]

Every freedom lover has his breaking point, when he decides he has had enough of the encroaching nanny/police state and will fight back. I stood by and did nothing when Republican Governor George Pataki - endorsed by the NRA - enacted his five-point gun control plan. I said little when New York City voters passed a referendum last year raising the legal age of ownership for rifles and shotguns from 18 to 21, thereby striking a blow against the 36 young adults out of a city of 8 million people who had registered such long-arms with the NYPD.

But when they came for the squirt guns, I decided I had enough. They would take my Super Soaker away from me when they pried it from my cold, wet hands.


Guns for Tots will continue to pay dividends for the Manhattan Libertarian Party. We lost a few LINOs, who are now finding a better home for themselves in the NY GOP, but we've also received new inquiries and new donations as a result of Guns for Tots. We also have a great idea for a fundraiser.

We're thinking about charging everyone $100 a ticket to watch Bernie Goetz and me take a walk down 110th Street. Carrying squirt guns.

JPFO - Something Conspicuously Missing from the Media Survival Lists - Guns, of course. [jpfo]

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