Game Over
"The United States goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is a well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own. If the United States took up all foreign affairs, it would become entangled in all the wars of interest and intrigue, which assume the colors and usurp the standard of freedom. She might become the dictatress of the world. She would be no longer the ruler of her own soul." -- John Quincy Adams
From patrick:

Scott Bieser at Rational Review - Those uppity pro-gun libertarians - cartoon commentary on "Guns for Tots". Hehe. [smith2004] - Furious George Starts a War! - another episode in the adventures of Furious George and the man with the yellow belly. Hehe. [patrick]
John Trever at Slate - Duct Tape - cartoon commentary on Ridge's recommendation to put in a supply of duct tape and plastic. Hehe. [trt-ny]
Patricia Hurtado at Newsday - Peace March Ban Upheld - The Second Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on Wednesday that NYC's permit for a stationary rally was enough. No march. Protesters should expect to be arrested tomorrow if they do their thing anywhere but Dag Hammarskjold Plaza. [trt-ny]
The American Liberty Foundation - Truth about War - this new web site is now complete. Check it out.
United for Peace & Justice
is organizing
tomorrow's anti-war rally in New York City. I do not intend to go
as I hate New York City, but I'll be protesting in spirit.
Ryan Good at The Advertiser-Tribune - Seneca County judge objects to state gun law - the good guys win one in Ohio, thanks to a judge who has actually read and understood their state constitution. [sierra]
A Seneca County judge has ruled that Ohio's law against carrying a concealed weapon is unconstitutional.
"The statute deprives Ohio citizens of an effective means of self-defense," said Common Pleas Judge Michael P. Kelbley in an 18-page ruling filed Tuesday. "The Constitution states in clear terms that the people of Ohio have the right to bear arms."
Kathryn J. Howard, 28, 1208D Peeler Drive, Fostoria, was facing one count of carrying a concealed weapon stemming from a June 2002 traffic stop in Fostoria in which a loaded 9mm pistol was found under her seat, according to papers in the now-closed case.