Jackbooted Thug of the Month
The FBI today issued a Stage 1-B Terrorist Alert Attack scenario warning of potential simultaneous terrorist strikes by snowmobilers and Led Zeppelin. The public is encouraged to avoid snow and heavy metal.
Wiley Miller's Non Sequitur - Inevitable Intersection on the Road of Life - And how! Hehe.
Carl Bussjaeger - Jackbooted Thug of the Month - Mr. Bussjaeger explains the award and gives his email address for sending nominations. [safeskies]

Jeff Cooper's Commentaries - School's Out - liberty vs. freedom, true heroes, Afghan mountaineers marksmanship, reduced size 45 autos, Theodore Roosevelt's African Game Trails, there's more to life than guns, Burris adjustable mounting system, precision in communications, Stoff, a real lady, innocent vs. uninvolved, Steyr Scout, long-range malarky, bear defense, safari defined, world's greatest hunts, gutter language, good trigger action, why write books, life liberty and property.
Does a soldier need to shoot well? Good question. I know of three cases in which excellent field marksmanship decided the action. These were the Boers at Majuba Hill, the US Marines at Chateau Thierry, and the Volkturm reservists at the Arnhem bridgehead. There may be other such cases, but if so they are not widely documented. Chroniclers are rarely interested in battle techniques, so the fact that something is not reported certainly does not mean that it did not occur. Nonetheless, good field marksmanship is a rarity - in or out of uniform.
What then is a good field marksman? In my opinion, a man who can hit a tea cup at 100 meters with his first shot, from a field position, in a 5 second interval is a good shot. Try this test on yourself, but do not call for witnesses. People who talk about good shots are usually terrible liars.
Reduced weight increases recoil, and there are plenty of people who feel that the standard 1911, at 39 ounces, kicks too much as it is. Much of this idea is the result of "sea stories" brought back from World War I, and it is largely basura. The miniature 45s do kick more than the GI version, but I hardly think that matters. A defensive pistol situation is normally experienced at arm's length, or a little more. You do not have to shoot target groups if your adversary threatens you across the room, but you do have to hit him hard - hard enough to stop the fight immediately. We cannot expect 100 percent perfection in this regard, but with the 45 ACP cartridge in its military version, we will achieve what we want about nine times out of ten. By messing around with improved loads and better bullet shape, we can increase our probability to about nineteen stops out of twenty tries - provided we place our bullet on the right spot. A man who works at this can achieve what he wants with one of these "pocket punchers" about as well as he can with the full-sized gun. Thus the reduced bulk and weight of the "snubby" may be a definitely good thing, for certain lifestyles. These little pieces do not need sharp sights nor target triggers. They are not "fun guns," but rather strictly business, and should not be put down because we do not win matches with them.
Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - Congress Spends, Future Generations Pay the Bills - our congress critters just upped their credit limit, sureptitiously. It's way past time to cut up their credit cards, lock them up, and throw away the key.
The problem is simple: Congress spends way too much. 2002 federal revenues are down compared to previous years, but Congress needs money to fund the post-September 11th spending spree. Faced with this pesky economic reality, Congress must do what any other organization does when spending exceeds income: borrow money. However, federal law sets a limit on the total amount of debt the Treasury can carry, and the limit- a whopping $5.95 trillion- has been reached. Since Congress apparently cannot control spending, the debt limit must be raised, this time by $700 billion. Yet no member, especially those who promote themselves as fiscal conservatives, wants to be on record as voting to increase the national debt.
The solution was to hide the debt limit increase as a single provision in a huge appropriations bill. Members can defend their vote for the supplemental based on their support for other measures in the bill, many of which were falsely cloaked in patriotic rhetoric More importantly, members avoided a naked up-or-down vote on the debt limit alone.
Zaval Light-Weight Visual Components Library "(LwVCL) is an alternative to humble AWT-based and SWING-based GUI interfaces. Designed as light-weight, but built separately from AWT (not on top of the java.awt library like Swing), the LwVCL is a good alternative for high performance, memory-efficient, flexible GUIs for standalone and applet applications." I tried out their example applet. It looks good, except it's sorely lacking a table component. [meat]