Happy June
See, the problem is that God gives men a brain and a penis, and only enough blood to run one at a time. -- Robin Williams
I got a TacStar side-saddle shotshell carrier for my Winchester Defender 1300. Works good. Easy to install. The three shells on the left are 00bk (bear load, twelve .30 caliber pellets). The three on the right are 4bk (twenty-one .24 caliber pellets). The gun is loaded with four shells of #4 high-velocity bird shot (potent, but won't go through the walls). Burglers, don't even think about coming to my house.

I read in Shooting Times that Hodgdon H4895 is a good powder to use for reduced loads. Hodgdon calls these "Youth Loads". They say that any load listed for H4895 can be reduced by starting at 60% of the max load. I bought some at the gun store yesterday and loaded twenty 30-06 cartridges with 30 grains of H4895 and Speer 150 grain SPBT (soft point boat tail) bullets. This is nine cents worth of powder per cartridge, appreciably less than the fifteen cents I usually spend. Betcha it'll go "bang!" when I pull the trigger. I'll probably try it out tomorrow.
Claire Wolfe at Backwoods Home Magazine - The Importance of Escape - free humans need a place to escape from the bureaucrats. There are no frontiers left on earth, and it will take a long time to get to the stars. What's a person to do?
Einstein's Intelligence Quiz - Einstien said that 98% of the people in the world can't solve this logical problem.
Garry Reed, The Loose Cannon Libertarian - Uncle Shazam and his Magical Logic - six exhibits of government logic.
Lin Drake of Utah couldn't find any protected prairie pups on his property so he started building homes. The US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) fined him $15,000 for harassing and harming the nonexistent critters. A federal administrative law judge (ALJ) upheld the fine based on the following logic (quoting the FoxNews story verbatim): "The ALJ ruled that FWS employees had no reason to lie because they were simply doing their jobs. Also, ruled the ALJ, because those employees testified that prairie dogs were once on the property and are not there now the animals must have been killed; there was no need to prove their death." Why bother with hearings and trials? One bureaucrat vouching for another bureaucrat should satisfy everyone. So, based on this judge's logic, I once lived in Minnesota but now I live in Texas so that means I'm dead; no proof is needed. (smart-alecky Oklahomans need not comment.)