The War Prayer
I had a disquieting thought yesterday. J. Orlin Grabbe linked to a couple of stories shortly after 9/11 claiming that the crashed airplanes were flown by wire to their destinations, not by a terrorist sitting in the cockpit. I find those claims very difficult to believe. Then there's the possibility of suitcase nukes. I find that much easier to believe, as horrible as it is to imagine. But my disquieting thought is more in keeping with using our own technology against us. As far as I know, the U.S. still has a large number of nuclear missiles. A missile in Wyoming can be launched to target Moscow or Beijing, or Washington, or New York. How hard would it be for someone with evil intent to retarget and fire one of those missiles? I hope it's really hard.
Mark Twain at What Really Happened - The War Prayer - Wow! Mirrored here.
Another H.E.A.P. Site - a public service of Webley Web Works, Ken Holder's business. H.E.A.P. ="Holocaust Education and Prevention". A collection of links to useful books on a number of subjects: Homemade guns and ammo, Fighting with Guns, General Gunsmithing, Genocide, The American Revolution, American Founders, The Constitution, American Culture, Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, Fiction. I mirrored the page at and added it to my links page in the "RKBA" section.
The Libertarian Enterprise has a new issue, "1 + 2 = FREE". It begins with the following ad. If you click on it you can buy hats, t-shirts, mugs, etc. with a similar logo, A NOT'ed U.S. flag with the stars in a swastika or barbed wire shape. I ordered a cap with the swastika design. It'll be interesting to see how the guys at the range respond to it, assuming I have the panache to wear it there, which I may not.

Letter from Curt Howland - A response to Charles Novins piece last
week about U.S. v. Emerson. Mr. Howland says that the decision
reiterated what we all know, that the second amendment affirms the
individual right to keep and bear arms, and it also disagreed with
Miller, individuals have the right to keep and bear all arms, not just
those with military utility. Unfortunately, it also allowed the prior
restraint under which Dr. Emerson was charged.
Mr. Novins is very correct in his conclusion, however. It is time for peaceful people to start being arrested, in large numbers, for peacefully carrying arms.
I believe that the defense at the trials must then rest upon the principle of "Prior Restraint" of an individual right. -
Letter from Amos J. Vaden - Commentary on Sean Gruber's
Good Cop, Bad Cop.
The state is initiatory force. It is evil.
The individual is free to risk or spend his life as he wishes. But if even one egg, even a robin's egg, which does not belong to that individual, is broken by him, he owes compensation. He has committed either crime or tort, and must pay a suitable and meaningful compensation, perhaps to include his life. And it doesn't matter if he wears a uniform, carries a badge, says he is part of the all-important gang who "really run things," has a subpoena or a warrant, or is otherwise authorized or licensed to kill.
Putting uniforms and badges on criminals doesn't make them good. -
Thirty-two Stupid Years by L. Neil Smith - It's time to dismantle
the security state, so that we, you and I and our children, can visit
the stars. Well said, Mr. Smith.
Ending victim disarmament is only the first step. The abysmal political events that have followed September 11 are a clear signal that it's time to dismantle the security state totally and forever. Every time some idiot suggests that you give up any part of your liberty for the sake of "safety", remind him that the most famous advocates of that philosophy ended up being tried and hanged at Nuremburg.
Creative Loafing - Clash of wills: Rights versus security in Fort Benning protest - bad title, since the argument has nothing to do with rights versus security, but good article about the problems Father Roy Bourgeois is having getting permission from Columbus Georgia to hold his annual protest against the School of the Americas, or whatever newspeak it's called nowadays. [unknown]
Late last week, Mayor Bobby Peters had refused to approve routine gathering and parade permits to a protest group headed by Father Roy Bourgeois and threatened a court injunction to block the march. On the other side, ACLU lawyers are contemplating a legal half-nelson designed to force the city to allow the march on constitutional grounds.
According to Bourgeois, the two settled on a nearby city park also close to the base, but the mayor quickly withdrew the offer after Fort Benning's outgoing commander, Maj. Gen. John Le Moyne, gave his thumbs-down to that alternative.
"The general told the mayor, 'We're on high alert; keep protesters away,'" Bourgeois says. "I call him Lt. Peters because he's taking his marching orders from Gen. Le Moyne. There's no reason to protect the fort against us; it can protect itself."
What Really Happened - The Rise of the Fourth Reich - makes an apt comparison between the rise of the Third Reich and what is happenning today in Amerika. [unknown]
It is the very nature of power that it attracts the sort of people who should not have it. The United States, as the world's last superpower, is a prize that attracts men and women willing to do absolutely anything to win that power, and hence are also willing to do absolutely anything with that power once they have it. If one thinks about it long enough, one will realize that all tyrants, past and most especially present, MUST use deception on their population to initiate a war. No citizen of a modern industrialized nation will send their children off to die in a war to grab another nation's resources and assets, yet resources and assets are what all wars are fought over. The nation that wishes to initiate a war of conquest must create the illusion of an attack or a threat to start a war, and must always give their population of cowards an excuse never to question that carefully crafted illusion.