New Toy!

I also went to Barnes & Noble and got P.J. O'Rourke's new book, The CEO of the Sofa. Many laughs already, and I'm only up to page 13. Concerning a visit to the building (p. 12):
Then some jerk university professor spoke, asking "Internet companies to act on the basis of something besides self-interest." A novel concept and I can hardly wait for the e-mail notices from AOL telling customers, "We considered improving our online services in order to attract more business and increase our corporate profits, but then we decided, "Screw that, we're joining the Peace Corps."I also found a copy of The Complete Works of Lewis Carroll in the cheapies section. Nearly 1300 pages for thirteen bucks. Such a deal. And I picked up the obligatory gun magazine, the December issue of Small Arms Review. This month's centerfold is the HK MP7.
From The Federalist:
There is something inherently ridiculous about a man standing in a cave wearing fatigues and holding a hand-mike and shaking his fist at the entire civilized world. Osama bin Laden called on his viewers to choose between 'the side of believers and the side of infidels.' But who made his microphone? Who made the camera? I doubt it was Afghan, given that under the Taliban you're not allowed to watch TV, never mind host your own jihad-inciting special. ...If it weren't for Western technology, he'd be just a loser in a cave shouting to himself. But ... just for a few minutes, he was the only 11th century guy with his own CNN gig.... -- Mark Steynand the following from the rapist-no-longer-in-chief. Mr. Clinton is right on this one. Our American forebears were brutal savages -- terrorists -- to both the African slaves and America's native population. It's way too late to make reparations, but no one should be proud of this behavior.
Here in the United States, we were founded as a nation that practiced slavery, and slaves quite frequently were killed even though they were innocent. This country once looked the other way when a significant number of native Americans were dispossessed and killed to get their land or their mineral rights or because they were thought of as less than fully human. -- Bill Clintonand:
And partisan wrangling is heated in the joint House-Senate conference committee seeking to hammer out an education bill agreeable to both chambers. One major sticking point: Sociocrat Teddy Kennedy (D-Stalingrad), chairman of the Senate's Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, refuses to allow one amendment, giving parents the right to inspect their children's educational materials and protect their children from invasive questions and medical examinations at school.and:
New York-based national toy maker Blitzkrieg Toys this week admitted that the company has distributed 3,000 "El Commandante Fidel Castro" dolls -- just in time for Christmas. What's next, the "Der Führer Janet Reno" doll just in time for Florida gubernatorial election?
From kaba:
I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with a lot of pleasure. -- Clarence Darrowand:
If you want government to intervene domestically, you're a liberal. If you want government to intervene overseas, you're a conservative. If you want government to intervene everywhere, you're a moderate. If you don't want government to intervene anywhere, you're an extremist. -- Joseph Sobran
Reggie Rivers at The Denver Post - Return of the king - Aschcroft now has the power to imprison non-citizens just be alleging that they are terrorists. No court may intervene. Welcome to Amerika. [unknown]
This is America. How could Congress, even in its darkest moment of panic, eliminate due process and put the United States on par with terror states that arrest people and throw them away without trials?
Already there are nearly 1,200 people being held by the Justice Department, but nothing about their identities or charges against them is being released.
This level of secrecy is unprecedented, and the amount of power being granted to the attorney general goes against everything the United States stands for. Are we a nation of laws, or are we to be governed by the arbitrary rule of a king?