All Guns, All the Time
I did more work on my Arms Manufacturers page. Thanks to Dave Polaschek for the links to Colt, Taurus, Magnum Research, Lee Precision (I'll probably buy their Load-All II for reloading shotgun shells), Cheaper Than Dirt, and Cor®Bon. Thanks to Ken L. Holder for the link to Richard Comer's Firearms Manufacturer's page.
My find of last night was the Henry U.S. Survival AR-7 .22 semi-automatic rifle, pictured below. 2.5 pounds, barrel and action fit inside stock as do the two supplied 8-round magazines, it floats, no tools required for assembly/disassembly, $165 ($200 for camo finish). Way cool! Henry also makes the "ultimate youth rifle", their mini-bolt .22.

Harry Browne at WorldNetDaily - The immigration scam - If America weren't a welfare state, nobody would be complaining about illegal immigrants. As a matter of fact, we'd once again encourage people to move here.
A free and prosperous society has no fear of anyone entering it. But a welfare state is scared to death of every poor person who tries to get in and every rich person who tries to get out.
Steve & Michelle Kubby at Marijuana News - Understanding The Cultural War Against Medical Marijuana - The Kubby's remind us of why those with the cojones to do it should always demand a jury trial. We'll win unless we roll over for the tyrants. [mjn]
It's time to tell the world that people who consume cannabis are not the problem. It's the complete failure of government to honestly or realistically do its job that is to blame.
Those who argue that we must meekly accept the authority of the police and learn to live with them are advocating a position that will only endanger all of us. No one has the right to barter away the rights of others, especially if it is done to enhance their own profit and power. Anyone who advocates cutting a deal with government sponsored terrorists is naive and a threat to all of us. That may sound harsh, but it is the nature of terrorism that as soon as you give and inch, they want it all.
In addition, we've already shown that the juries won't convict patients; even patients who are selling to other patients are being acquitted. Now, the appeasers go behind our backs and attempt to barter away those bravely won victories.
To those who continue to advocate cooperation with tyranny, may your chains rest lightly upon you. To those who are prepared to carry on, we offer the following battle cry, "Never give up, never surrender!"