Bears Beware
If you have to become a police state to enforce your law, the law is wrong.
From pournelle. The new Democratic National Committee bumber sticker (in our dreams). Click for a larger version.

Kevin Tuma - Peace Through Totalitarianism - cartoon commentary on the United Nations. Oooh.
I added the image below to my Holey CommU.N.ists Batman page (more details there). This was two shells of 00 BK buckshot (bear ammo) from my Remington 870 Express shotgun. 13 of the 24 pellets missed the target, but I wouldn't want to be hit by even one of the 11 winners. 0.33 inch holes are not conducive to happiness. Click on the image for a higher-res version.

Left-Right Conflict is an amusing psychological trick: a table of colors each printed in a different color than its word. Reading the colors instead of the words is hard. Try it.
You Know You're From Wyoming When: is a list of items likely funny only to Wyoming natives like me. OK, I was born in Texas, but we moved to Wyoming before my second birthday. That counts, don't it? [brad] is on-line. Mr. Cate will be doing his blogging (though he hates that word) at His new motto: "The older I get, the better I used to be." Hehe. Links updated. [will]
Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - The Fed Cannot Create Prosperity - not only can the fed do nothing about the current economic downturn, it is itself a major cause of the problem.
The turbulent period we are entering may serve to remind Americans that the Fed cannot suspend the laws of economics. The key to lasting prosperity is a return to true private banking, where interest rates are set by the free market and dollars are backed by gold.
Bob Schulz - Truth-in-taxation Hearing - Mr. Schulz will be webcasting the congressional hearing on the income tax on September 25-26. You can purchase a CD and/or the webcast. [zero]
Aaron Zelman at Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership - Do Jewish "leaders" want us all to be victims? - a screed I wish the victim disarmament crowd would take to heart.
One of the "benefits" Jewish leaders want to impose is disarmament. Not trusting ordinary men and women to own guns, they work toward the day when uniformed soldiers, police, and other agents of the state will hold a monopoly on the legal use of lethal force.
Have these Jews forgotten their own history?
Have they forgotten that, from Pharoah to Stalin and Hitler, powerful governments have been their worst tormentors, their slave masters, their ghettoizers, their inquisitors, their slaughterers?
They certainly have forgotten that, throughout history, the "benevolent" government that courts Jews one day turns on us the next and sends us into exile, suffering, and death. For two millennia, that's been the reality of Jewish existence.
Charles Schumer praised prominent anti-gun activist Sarah Brady, telling her at a Congressional hearing, "You are doing G-d's work."[5]
But who exactly is Chuck Schumer's god? Certainly not the G-d of Judeo-Christian teachings -- the G-d who championed righteous self-defense in the name of life. Does Schumer worship the golden calf? Or perhaps he was referring to Anubis, the Egyptian god of death who conducted souls into the underworld. Or Set, the Egyptian god of chaos who personified evil. For evil and death will reign in a world where thugs are armed and disarmed victims bow helpless before them.
Diane Rhodes at - "Justice" System? - Ms. Rhodes clarifies why we'll never get a good victim-resitution system, i.e. real justice, as long as the state has a monopoly on "justice". [anti-state]
Only a private court, or many of them, would have incentive to provide a victim-restitution system. What if a victim went to the court, and the judge said, "Yes, I'll hear this case, if you pay me, and if he's found guilty, we'll send him away at your expense."? I'm betting that victim would say, "Sorry pal, I'll find a better deal." In the free market, better deals would abound!
Bob Murphy at - Private Law II - Mr. Murphy answers some questions about his previous Private Law article. It still sounds like a good idea, though it's hard to say how such a thing would work in practice without trying it. So let's try it soon.
Mark R. Levin at National Review - Reno Running - short and sweet commentary on Janet Reno's run for governor of Florida. [mind will]
And lest you think that undermining the rule of law and impeding justice are disqualifications for high elective office, let me introduce you to New York senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. Remember, obstruction in the pursuit of liberalism is no vice.
Janet Reno shouldn't be running for governor, she should be running from the law.
Tim Lynch at National Review - She's Baaaaack! - a bit more long-winded commentary on Janet Reno's run for governor of Florida.
To succeed in her quest for the governor's office, Reno must spin her disastrous tenure as Attorney General into something that was innocuous. But we must never forget that Reno presided over the worst disaster in the history of American law enforcement — Waco. More than 70 men, women, and children lost their lives when Reno approved an FBI assault on the Branch Davidian residence in 1993.
William J. Henderson at the Washington Post -
I Ran the Postal Service; it Should be Privatized - and how! [zero]
JavaHelp 1.1.2_01 is available from Sun. The release notes don't say what changed since 1.1.2. They must have fixed a few more bugs. [cafe]