Steven Cook at the Schenectady Gazette - Albany `Million Mom March' canceled; Police say N.J. man made threat - The forty thousand misguided moms cancelled their Albany rally because some nut called the organizer and threatened to put a million bullets into her. The idiot called from his home phone, she wrote down the number from her caller ID box, and they caught him. This is from my wife's account of the story as she saw it on the TV news. It's stated a little differently in this article. Mentions the Second Amendment Sisters counter-rally.
Elizabeth Benjamin at the Albany Times-Union - Mothers divided on gun control - a Saturday piece about the two mothers day rallies. A fairly balanced description of the two opposing viewpoints.
New York Tyranny Response Team - The TRT wants you! NYC Sat. July 14th 2001 for a protest in front of the united nations building during a commU.N.ist meeting to plan global disarmament. Details forthcoming.
"At an 11-day meeting beginning July 9 at U.N. headquarters in New York, every extremist anti-gun group in the world will show up at a summit on 'small arms,' where the delegates will attempt to create a global standard of gun control, banning civilian fire arms ownership worldwide." NewsMax.com
Wayne LaPierre at NewsMax - U.N. Targets American Gun Owners - a newer story than the link above about the coming commU.N.ist gun ban meeting in July. [max]
The stated goal of the U.N. gun control boosters is "eliminating the conditions that foster reliance on private arms for self-defense." Well, the primary "conditions" are a knowledge of history and a love of freedom.
Neal Boortz at NewsMax - Anti-Gun Crackpots Gather for Another March - The commU.N.ists have invented a bogus Billion Mom March. Neal has "Ten Really Good Reasons to Ban Guns". Well, maybe they're not so good, but they're entertaining. [max]
Guns are unnecessary. In 98% of civilian gun defenses, no shot is fired. If you are not going to fire a shot, you clearly don't need a gun. This proves that the guns are unnecessary. Banning guns will prevent these unnecessary defenses.
www.goblessyourself.com is where I got the idea to forevermore label the united nations as commU.N.ists. goblessyourself.com is also available via billionmommarch.com, which I tried before finding the commU.N.ist site at billionmommarch.org. Hehe.
AP via New York Times -
Methamphetamine Labs Sprouting - they're finding lots of
methamphetamine labs near Mt. Rainier. Big-time ecological
damage. Clue to drug warriors: legalize the stuff and allow it to be
sold over the counter. This will put the forest labs out of business
overnight. Some people will kill themselves with it, but once the
deaths start en masse, folks will figure out that speed kills and stop
doing it. If they don't, well, survival of the fit isn't just a good
idea, it's the law. I tried crystal meth twice back in 1979. A brown
powder that stings when you snort it. It's wonderful. Wide awake. Full
of energy. Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Then you
come down. Royal bummer. Royal bummer. Remember kids. There are no old
speed freaks.
D. Hill at Lousiville Independent Media Center - Assassination Politics 101 - Mr. Hill posted Jim Bell's 10-part essay. Worth a read or a re-read. If you're familiar with the basic concept, I suggest reading them in reverse order, 10 first down to 1. If it's new to you, start from the beginning and prepare to be offended, disgusted even, until you've had time to digest the idea. I archived all ten at billstclair.com/ap. From #7:
I do not know whether I "invented" or "discovered" this system; perhaps it's a little of both. I do genuinely believe that this system, or one like it, is as close to being technologically inevitable as was the invention of firearms once the material we now know as "gunpowder" was invented. I think it's on the way, regardless of what we do to stop it. Perhaps more than anyone else on the face of this planet, this notion has filled me, sequentially and then simultaneously, with awe, astonishment, joy, terror, and finally, relief.Awe, that a system could be produced by a handful of people that would rid the world of the scourge of war, nuclear weapons, governments, and taxes. Astonishment, at my realization that once started, it would cover the entire globe inexorably, erasing dictatorships both fascistic and communistic, monarchies, and even so-called "democracies," which as a general rule today are really just the facade of government by the special interests. Joy, that it would eliminate all war, and force the dismantling not only of all nuclear weapons, but also all militaries, making them not merely redundant but also considered universally dangerous, leaving their "owners" no choice but to dismantle them, and in fact no reason to KEEP them!
Terror, too, because this system may just change almost EVERYTHING how we think about our current society, and even more for myself personally, the knowledge that there may some day be a large body of wealthy people who are thrown off their current positions of control of the world's governments, and the very-real possibility that they may look for a "villain" to blame for their downfall. They will find one, in me, and at that time they will have the money and (thanks to me, at least partially) the means to see their revenge. But I would not have published this essay if I had been unwilling to accept the risk.
Finally, relief. Maybe I'm a bit premature to say it, but I'm satisfied we _will_ be free. I'm convinced there is no alternative. It may feel like a roller-coaster ride on the way there, but as of today I think our destination is certain. Please understand, we _will_ be free.