Douglas Adams, RIP
The Second Amendment Sisters are sponsoring Armed Informed Mothers Rallies all over the coutry today. Protect a mother you love. Attend a rally to support your right to keep and bear arms.
Hitch Hiker author Adams dies - Douglas Adams, author of The
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, a five volume trilogy, is
dead of a heart attack at the young age of 49. Remember, the secret to
flying is to fall down and miss the ground. There's a
Slashdot thread, including "So is the answer 49 then?" from
d2ksla. Nope, the answer is 42. The New York Times has the
AP obituary . Nice
comments from John McCabe at There are also comments
over at on
last post there on April 25, concerning his newly installed Mac
OSX (he liked it). Don't panic, and remember to bring a
towel. [script]
Vin Suprynowicz at Sierra Times - Jury Nullification: All they can do is stomp their feet and say 'We don't like it' - commentary on the latest bit of tyranny by the Kalifornia supreme court. The bottom line of getting jurors to snitch on folks who aren't properly toeing the state line will be jurors who refuse to convict, but won't say why, i.e. hung juries. It may also cause the nazis to require only 9 of 12 yea votes to stomp out a patriot. At this point, IMHO, we'll be forced to create our own parallel court system and defend ourselves against the rotten conventional courts.
Richard Smith at the Privacy Foundation - My FBI File - Big Brother is watching you. ChoicePoint, Inc. has sold dossiers to the f.b.i. on everybody in their credit history file. Mr. Smith's file included lots of bad information. You can't opt out. You can get a copy of your report here. Tell your browser to find "$20", the price you'll pay to get it. Mr. Smith's file was 60 pages long. [unknown grabbe]
Memo to the FBI: The ChoicePoint dossier for my household contains more misinformation than correct information. I'm not sure how someone looking over these reports could use them in any meaningful way without already knowing a good deal about myself and my wife.
NORML - Bush's New DEA Chief No "Compassionate Conservative" - gw has chosen Asa Hutchinson to run the d.e.a. This guy looks even worse than Walters, the new drug czar. He's a supporter of 10 year sentences for posting drug info on the internet, wants to further militarize the drug war in South America, opposes any use of medical marijuana, including research. A true blue fascist pig. [unknown]
Peter Gorman at High Times - Meltdown at Cannabis Culture - Mark Emery, the publisher of Cannabis Culture magazine, sells hemp seeds via Mark Emery Direct. Don't complain too much about the quality of his seeds. Though he has yet to narc on anyone, he could. He has the information. Cannabis Culture wants you to Overgrow the Government. [unknown]
Jeff Elkins at - The Drug War Intensifies; John Walters: Drug Warrior - The imprints of the jack boots will get deeper and more numerous if John Walters becomes the new drug czar. [lew]
Waters, a disciple of former "Drug Czar" and Washington talk show clown, William Bennett, will be in charge the White House effort to intensify the Federal anti-drug focus on law enforcement and interdiction. Translation: more militarized police, more loss of personal liberty, an increased military presence in South America and more prisoners in American Gulags.
Jeff Elkins at - Free Market Penicillin? - Mr. Elkins thinks we should free prescription drugs from the medical cartel's clutches and return them to the free market. I agree. In spades. He and I will both still go to a physician for advice on ailments we don't recognize, but we will no longer need to ask (and pay) for a permission slip to treat the nth onset of our spring allergies. [lew]
Additionally, there is a growing movement among pharmacists to free medications from the shackles of the physician's prescription. Pharmacists are highly educated in their craft, with an advanced masters degree as the entry point for the profession and doctorates not at all uncommon. They feel that they are eminently qualified to advise patients and prescribe medications. The general medical practitioner is a middleman, they say.I agree. I'll go a step further than the pharmacists though, and suggest that we should be able to purchase our Zyrtec, Penicillin or Morphine from a 7-11 where there is not a pharmacist in sight. Place them on the shelves right alongside the Smith Bros. Cough Drops.
As radical as this sounds, it was the common state of affairs prior to the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 and the Harrison Act of 1914. Prior to the enactment of these infamous pieces of legislation, it was the right of any American citizen to self-medicate themselves. So it should be today as well.
Michael Mitchell at - Seduced by Prevention - a good account of why preventative laws, laws that criminalize one or more of the pre-cursors to a crime, are a really bad idea. [kaba]
False is the idea of utility that would take fire from men because it burns, or water because one may drown in it... Laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes... -- Thomas Jefferson
Since "preventive" laws run counter to basic behavioral models, they will never be effective tools in preventing criminal activity. They can, however, be extremely successful in subverting civil liberties and increasing governmental power. How so? They invert the presumption of innocence.
Joseph Eisenschmidt at Louisville Independent Media Center - Grand Jurors chosen randomly? Not! - a note from someone without a clue about grand juries. A grand jury exists to decide if there is sufficient evidence to indict someone, i.e. bring them to trial. If the grand jury says no, no trial happens. Grand juries operate in secret, and are selected at random from the population. Or that's how it's supposed to be. They also have subpoena powers. The U.S. constitution guarantees that noone can be brought to trial for a criminal offense unless a grand jury indicts them. Linda Hamilton's case never appeared before a grand jury. The primary reason I'm linking to this post is another response from proff daddy. I don't know if he really has a working assassination politics (AP) system, but it's interesting to imagine such a world. Since the conventional justice system has been proven time and again to not apply to legislators, cops, and judges, we badly need another way to deal with them. I find AP to be distasteful, but I find it much worse that these guys are routinely getting away with murder.
Chaos Manor Mail - Saturday, May 12, 2001 - some discussion of Orbital Power Satellites and a correction on Jerry's numbers in the last mail I linked to. Nuclear waste is two aspirin pills per person per year. Jerry still thinks it's not a problem to get rid of. Will likely move here next week.