
Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Fri, 22 Dec 2000 13:00:00 GMT
Thanks to Will Cate for his kind words about my "Libertarian-style news review". Good luck with your new site, Will.

LewRockwell.com - Twas the Night Before Christmas, and this year Santa's packing heat. Hehe. [lew]

Charles Davenport at LewRockwell.com - Through a Lockbox, Darkly: The president elect takes a visit to the out-going VP, and nearly shoots him. Fiction. Hehe. [lew]

Charles Davenport is a physician trapped, behind the lines, in New York.

Wayne Wilson at the Sacramento Bee - Medical pot case jurors stymied: The jurors deliberating the trial of Steve and Michele Kubby are deadlocked at 11 to 1 over the main charges. [market]

J.D. Tuccille at CivilLiberties.About.Com - Civil liberties Santa: J.D. mixes a little sedition with the Christmas spirit to recommend some gifts for liberty lovers. [market]

Andrew Orlowski at The Register - Stealth plan puts copy protection into every hard drive: How horrid! This one ain't gonna fly. [wes]

Hastening a rapid demise for the free copying of digital media, the next generation of hard disks is likely to come with copyright protection countermeasures built in.

Technical committees of NCTIS, the ANSI-blessed standards body, have been discussing the incorporation of content protection currently used for removable media into industry-standard ATA drives, using proprietary technology originating from the 4C Entity. They're the people who brought you CSS2: IBM, Toshiba Intel and Matsushita.

The Economist - The fluttering of tiny pixels: a future display technology, Iridigm's interferometric modulator or I-mod, offers the promise of 1000 pixels per inch. Yow! [/.]

Jetty 3.0.1 is available for download at SourceForge. Jetty is a 100% Java web server and servlet engine designed to be easily embeddable in applications. I've moved over to Tomcat as my major servlet engine, because it integrates with the Apache and IIS web servers, but I still do testing on both Tomcat and Jetty. BTW, last week I figured out how to get Tomcat to work with my Palm Pilot application. It was a Pilot browser bug on sending a blank password. I fixed it by patching Tomcat. Details here. [meat]

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