Welcome To A Dark Period...

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 12:02:27 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Geek with a .45 - the Geek has turned his page black during the McCain-Feingold blackout period sixty days before the November election. Kim du Toit posted a Civil Disobedience Reminder offering free political advertisements on his blog to any conservative who wants to criticize an incumbent during the blackout period. Bravo to both of you! [geekwitha.45]

I have made my background black as well, and sticked this post at the top. Remember to look below it for new stuff.

I probably missed some colors that needed to be changed to make text visible against the new background. Type Ctrl-A to highlight the entire page, and you'll probably be able to read everything. And send me email asking me to fix it.

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