Waco, Oklahoma City, Columbine and Virginia Tech
Anthony Gregory at LewRockwell.com - the slaughters at Columbine and Virginia Tech aren't surprising seen in the light of the daily aggression and violence perpetrated by governments. But hey, we elected those people to steal (tax), kidnap (arrest), enslave (draft), and murder (war). That must make it OK. Not! [lew]
The state is not the direction to look for solutions to instances of mass aggression, for the state itself is aggression. Its aggressive nature only encourages more aggression throughout society, as it warps the public morality and gives example after example demonstrating that might makes right, at least from the mainstream political perspective. Its intimidation and extortion are clear every April when Americans have to turn in their tax forms, knowing they can be jailed if they made an honest mistake or even if the IRS simply bungles something. And the naked aggression of the state and its institutional disadvantage at protecting people should also be clear every April, as we reflect on the massacres the government has conducted, the ones it enabled, and the ones it failed to prevent.
Previous Posts:
April 19, 2007: Still No Waco Justice
Protection, Disarmament and Massacre
Pragmatism Of The Virginia Tech Massacre
The Present Peace Movement
Gov signs law rejecting Real ID act
Virginia Tech Shooting
Recollections of Chicago--1968
Immigration and Integrity
The Third Stage
I'm Mad as Hell and ....