Understanding Jurisdiction

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sun, 29 Aug 2010 15:39:14 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Anonymous at His Convenant Ministries - interesting article on the first thing a court must establish before being able to go ahead with trying an alleged statute violation, something that most of us give them without thinking or knowing about it, and something that most of us owe them only because we've been defrauded into implying that we are either under oath as a government agent or guilty of perjury.

Mirrored at billstclair.com/jurisdiction.html.

In all of history there has been but one successful protest against an income tax. It is little understood in that light, primarily because the remnants of protest groups still exist, but no longer wish to appear to be "anti-government." They don't talk much about these roots. Few even know them. We need to go back in time about 400 years to find this success. It succeeded only because the term "jurisdiction" was still well understood at that time as meaning "oath spoken." "Juris," in the original Latin meaning, is "oath." "Diction" as everyone knows, means "spoken." The protest obviously didn't happen here. It occurred in England. Given that the origins of our law are traced there, most of the relevant facts in this matter are still applicable in this nation. Here's what happened.

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