The Second Realm - Book on Strategy

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Fri, 20 Aug 2010 12:13:57 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Smuggler and XYZ (PDF) have written a short book (77 pages) on strategies for creating an agorist "second realm", co-existing with the current statist first realm. It is subtitled "Crypto-Anarchy, Tradecraft, TAZ and Counterculture." I have read it once, and not really thought about it much, but enough to recognize that it contains many worthwhile ideas. It's linked from the "Free & Unashamed" section of the hosted files page, and from my home page. My mirrored copy is here.

This is a booklet for people in search for liberty, and who subscribe to a philosophy of personal, civil and economic liberty through the absence of government in their lives, along with the presence of strong property rights. Among the varying philosophies that hold this view the most noted is probably that of Anarcho-Capitalism of both the Rothbardian and the Friedmanite flavor. The authors of this booklet subscribe to the former and it is that perspective that should be taken into account to take the most value from this text.


The interwoven aspects of culture, institutions, profits from redistribution and the longing for stability form the foundation for the power of states and assure lasting consent (both passive and active) for this system of domination.

We call the totality of this system: The First Realm.


Our strategy for liberty is the creation of a culture of liberty, a society that occupies its own protected space and implements independent systems of cooperation. We need to create a Second Realm.

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