Two Years in Vermont

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sat, 01 Apr 2017 15:29:34 GMT  <== Personal ==> 

Today is the second anniversary of moving into my little apartment in Vermont. Still loving it here. Just returned from getting a two-week supply of vegetables from the farmers market. About to take my near-daily mile walk to the little coffee shop I frequent, for a black eye (coffee with two shots of espresso), and time with Angelica, the proprietress, and her two-year-old daughter, Brooklyn. Life is good.

The stuff in the upper photo below is what I took in my car from the house when my wife kicked me out. I lived with that for two weeks in my brother's house, while finding the apartment. I picked up a truckload more of stuff soon thereafter.

Stuff in New Apartment 150401
Stuff in New Apartment

Walmart Run 150401
Walmart Run to Outfit the Empty Place

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Comments (1):

Mazel tov! I still

Submitted by Joel on Wed, 05 Apr 2017 21:14:46 GMT

Mazel tov!

I still celebrate the anniversaries of my escape from the bad place, too. It was ten years at the beginning of last November.

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