Time--Going, Going, Gone

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Mon, 13 Sep 2010 02:25:45 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Cathy L.Z. Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - a novel account of why intellectual property is, indeed, a scarce resource. The pattern created by an artist or writer represents her time. If you take it without paying what she asks, you are stealing her time, stealing part of her life.

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As a pure "amateur muser"...

Submitted by Jock Coats on Mon, 13 Sep 2010 07:37:56 GMT

I have responded to the article here, if anyone is remotely interested in folk who do choose to give away their time :)

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Re: Time--Going, Going, Gone

Submitted by MyName on Wed, 16 Feb 2011 13:39:03 GMT

I'd call it trespass rather than theft.
To my simple mind, theft deprives owners of property while trespass is the wrongful use of property.
Otherwise, you can make an analogy between the inflation of Fiat currency and breach of copyright. The dilution of value is similar.
You still have what you started with but it is not worth as much in trade for goods as you could ask previous to the misuse.

We also need to get away from the idea of 'Copyright' enforced by the organs of the Nation-State and adopt a platform similar to Ted Nelson's Hypertext proposal with micro-payments to authors and automatic attribution. An electronic future to supercede dead trees.

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