The TSA: A Belt and Suspenders Kinda Agency

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sat, 29 Apr 2006 12:05:40 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Becky Akers at - did you know that "realistic replica weapons" are forbidden by the Taking Away Scissors crowd. Could even land you in jail. They shut down the Sarasota-Brendon International Airport because of a pewter belt buckle shaped like half a grenade. Idiots and assholes all. [lew]

Apparently, TSA spokesman Christopher White spoke seriously when he told our credulous reporter, "Replica weapons have to be taken seriously, particularly replica explosives because explosives are the No. 1 threat to aviation." Psst, Chris: catch the "replica" there. No powder in them, nor fuse, either. Get it?

And don't be so modest. The No. 1 threat to aviation is the TSA.

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