Nation Of Laws Means . . . a nation of Law Enforcement..?

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Wed, 26 Apr 2006 16:18:56 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

John Longenecker at American Daily - why we don't need any more anti-crime "laws". Ever. And why getting rid of every gun law on the books will work better than anything else at ridding our country of criminals. Unfortunately, the biggest criminals in the country are the ones who make the "laws". [nicki]

Because crime is not fought by our surrendering more and more sovereignty to go-nowhere anti-crime policies (such as National ID Cards and RFID Tracking) -- crime is fought instance by instance by individuals who resist with their lawful authority and righteous superior force.

Drop all the gun laws -- name one gun law that reaches criminals and stops a crime and name one gun law that doesn't injure the rights of the innocent -- and the rest will take care of itself.

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