Time's Arrow: The Coming Nuclear Epiphany in Persia

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 10:29:53 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Chris Floyd at LewRockwell.com - the Busheviks have geared up for a nuclear attack on Iran. If they do it, they will become non-persons in my book, to be squashed like bugs should the opportunity arise. I hope thousands of others think the same way, and act on their opinions. [lew]

Twelve hours is the maximum time necessary for American bombers to gear up and launch an unprovoked sneak attack -- a Pearl Harbor in reverse -- against Iran, the Washington Post reports. The plan for this "global strike," which includes a very viable "nuclear option," was approved months ago, and is now in operation. The planes are already on continuous alert, making "nuclear delivery" practice runs along the Iranian border, as Sy Hersh reports in the New Yorker, and waiting only for the signal from President George W. Bush to drop their payloads of conventional and nuclear weapons on some 400 targets spread throughout the condemned land.

And when this attack comes -- either as a stand-alone "knock-out blow" or else as the precursor to a full-scale, regime-changing invasion, like the earlier aggression in Iraq -- there will be no warning, no declaration of war, no hearings, no public debate. The already issued orders governing the operation put the decision solely in the hands of the president: he picks up the phone, he says, "Go" -- and in twelve hours' time, up to a million Iranians will be dead.

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Submitted by MRJarrell on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 14:46:31 GMT

When you have an End Times loving President in each of the countries involved in this debacle it's inevitable that the worst case scenario will occur. Bush can't wait for the end of the world and neither can Iran's "leader". Both of these men and their cronies are more than willing to bring about their version of the apocalypse no matter how many innocents they take with them.
This isn't about "stability", possession of nuclear capability in any form or supporting terrorism. This, at its core, is about a religious fundamentalist pissing match.

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