The Truth About the Health Care Bills

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Tue, 05 Oct 2010 17:35:01 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Micheal Connelly, a retired attorney and Constitutional law instructor from Carrollton, Texas penned a screed back in August claiming that Obamacare is unconstitutional. My mother forwarded an email containing his essay. I replied:

I'm sure he's right. My response is, "So, what else is new?" 99% of the statutes passed out of DC are unconstitutional on their face. There is no constitutional authority for most of the federal government bureaucracy. The Constitution says nothing about education, nothing about medicine, nothing about illegal drugs, nothing about scientific research, nothing about roads, except post roads, and it requires gold and silver money, not paper. If we were following the Constitution, there would be no DoE, no DoT, no DEA, no FDA, no BATF, no HUD, no Federal Reserve, no social security, no medicare, no medicaid, no welfare, no food stamps, and we'd be able to buy fully-automatic machine guns by mail order from Sears, without answering any questions or providing any identification. And that's just the tip of the iceberg of blatantly unconstitutional federal programs. The Constitution has been a dead letter since FDR, if not Lincoln.

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