The Notebooks of Lazarus Long

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Thu, 04 Aug 2011 12:30:43 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Robert Anson Heinlein at bobgod - a wonderful collection of short quotes. Archived here. Starts with a bunch about marriage:

A woman is not property, and husbands who think otherwise are living in a dreamworld.

Sovereign ingredient for a happy marriage: Pay cash or do without. Interest charges not only eat up a household budget; awareness of debt eats up domestic felicity.

When the fox gnaws -- smile!

Take care of the cojones and the frijoles will take care of themselves. Try to have getaway money -- but don't be fanatic about it.

Another ingredient for a happy marriage: budget the luxuries first!

And still another -- See to it that she has her own desk -- then keep your hands off it!

And another -- in a family argument, if it turns out you are right -- apologize at once!


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