Righteous Molecular Voodoo of The Very Best Sort...
GeekWithA.45 says that Chantix worked for him to stop smoking when nothing else had a chance. I quit because my lungs started complaining, and then my heart started telling me it might up and quit if I kept it up. But I never smoked much, seven Sobrani Black Russians a day in my last druggie year of 1982. [geekwitha.45]
Once the nic fit drive is eliminated, it revealed that the remaining cigs are all driven by other things, such as the post conference call decompression smoke, the pause for inspiration while writing smoke, the kids are driving me crazy and I need an excuses to hide on the porch alone for a few minutes smoke, and so on, all of which remained mine to sort out. In fact, that became the shorthand way I'd described it a few times to people who asked. "Chantix makes the chemical dependency simply go away. After that, whatever's left is your own shit to sort out."
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