Rewriting History

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sun, 30 Apr 2006 13:01:19 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

L. Neil Smith at The Libertarian Enterprise - on Neil's classic alternative history novel, The Probability Broach, and the story of writing the text for Roswell Texas with Rex. F. May. [tle]

Somewhere along the line--we were about 95 percent finished with the prose novel--Frank Bieser, founder of Big Head Press, publisher of the graphic version of The Probability Broach, heard of Roswell, Texas, and asked us if we'd like to produce it as a webcomic. Of course we accepted and the rest will soon be comic history. We still have to find a publisher for the prose version, and the Big Finish will be written for the webcomic and adapted backward into the prose version.

Our original object was simply to have a little pointless fun that we could eventually share with readers. Gradually, however, because of the sort of twisted, demented, perverted individuals we are, a Theme began to struggle up out of the primordial muck, much like early life arising on the planet, despite our most strenuous efforts to prevent it.

It is simply this: while each and every one of us is responsible for his or her own life, and you cannot properly blame whatever personal shortcomings you may have on the society around you, it's undeniably easier to be a decent human being if you live in a decent society.

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