Response to my rant re the relative violence of Christians and Muslims

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 12:49:09 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Claire Wolfe thinks that an anger management class is in order for both Allah and Jehovah. And how! [claire]

From Genesis through Revelation the message is the same: Those who don't do exactly what God wants are going to suffer -- and should suffer hideously for their failure to go along. And what does God want through most of the Bible? Slaughtered animals on his altars and slaughtered humans -- including men, women, and infants -- on his field of battle. Even in the kinder, gentler New Testament, the only act that will appease His perpetual bad temper toward the human race is the deadly torture and sacrifice of his own son. And if any of us are unable to force ourselves to believe that the murder of Jesus is a good thing and a cosmicly necessary thing, then we, too, deserve Old Testament-style fates. Just for disagreeing with an idea, mind you. Just for disagreeing with an idea!

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