Remember, Remember the 29th of September

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 12:16:56 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

© 2006 E. Stewart Rhodes
[posted at Mr. Rhodes' request]

Remember, Remember the 29th of September
The Military Commissions Act
, assault on the Bill of Rights by a vile lot;
I see no reason why that day of high treason
Should ever be forgot.

Remember, Remember the 11th of September
The American Reichstag Fire burned hot;
I see no reason why the lessons of history
Should ever be forgot.

Remember, Remember this is land of the free, home of the brave
Land of the scared, home of the slaves it is not;
I see no reason why Liberty or Death, Spirit of 1776
Should ever be forgot.

Remember, Remember, the source of your rights is in heaven
Proclamations of black robed priests matter not;
I see no reason, why their creeping treason
Should ever be forgot.

Remember, Remember "when the government fears the people,
there is liberty
"When the people fear their government" there is not;
I see no reason why this timeless truth of freedom
Should ever be forgot.

Remember, Remember the 19th of April
Embattled farmers stood in the Concord meadow
Firing the world-changing shot;
I see no reason why the 19th of April
Should ever be forgot.

Remember, Remember the 19th of April,
Embattled Jews stood in the Warsaw Ghetto
Firing on the Nazi rot;
I see no reason why the 19th of April
Should ever be forgot.

Remember, Remember the 19th of April
Embattled Davidian women and children burned in the fire so hot;
I see no reason why the 19th of April
Should ever be forgot.

Remember, Remember their spirits live forever
Thus they did fear not;
I see no reason why these examples of defiance
Should ever be forgot.

Remember, Remember your body will not live forever
That you will die matters not;
When The Day comes, follow your fathers
Give them ball for ball, and shot for shot.

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