Preserving Constitutional Liberties

Submitted by Kenneth on Wed, 13 Feb 2008 02:55:58 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

This is one of the most awakening pieces to hit the net. I feel this writer is in tune with the situation. The situation that others are really not taking all that serious. The process of indoctrination through literature and media online and offline is hampering peoples reality. People wake up ! Notice "Political Dissent", often left out of the history books. Unless you want to be loaded onto the trains introduced to real slave labor until you are dead and bbq'd to a fine crisp I recommend you take this seriously.
Kenneth H.
The Surreal ID Card Act and HB 2677
Dave Hodges

In Nazi Germany (July 1938), only a few months before Kristallnacht (i.e., the night of the broken glass) in which Jewish businesses were targeted by the infamous "Brown Shirts" for destruction, the notorious "J-stamp" was introduced on national ID cards and then later on passports. The use of the "J-stamp" ID cards by Nazi Germany preceded the yellow Star of David badges which led to the subsequent deportation of Gypsies, Jews, homosexuals and political dissidents to the infamous Nazi death camps. In Norway, where yellow cloth badges were not introduced, the J stamped ID card was used in the identification of more than 800 Jews deported to death camps in Eastern Europe.

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