Pol Tax

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Thu, 09 Mar 2006 12:02:46 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Becky Akers at LewRockwell.com - New York mayor Mike Bloomberg says he keeps raising taxes on cigarettes in an attempt to save people's lives. Ms. Akers thinks this applies, in spades, to politicians, so she proposes taxing them, big time. Bravo! [lew]

Smokers and politicians have more in common than you might think. Both blow smoke. Both stink the place up. Both stand around in the cold and solicit strangers, one for a light, the other for votes. Both are addicted, though smokers kick their filthy habit a heck of a lot more easily and often than politicians do.

Think how many lives would be saved had we taxed politicians all along. No more Americans dying of boredom during endless political campaigns and debates. Outraged citizens would never again suffer heart attacks over the latest Congressional scandal. And without politicians' pork larding the budget, government spending should shrink so we're less likely to keel over from shock after figuring our taxes every April.

But the number of lives saved here is modest compared to those spared by our tax's effect on war. I predict this scourge will disappear once politicians are too busy coughing up their tax bills to shove troops at the world's hot spots. With the biggest killer of all time eliminated, life expectancy should zoom.


The IRS's sliding scale has snagged trillions of our taxes over the years; I bet it'll work for us, too. We'll tax city councillors at 100% of their paychecks; mayors at 200%; State Assemblymen, 300%; US Congressmen and Senators, 400 and 450%, respectively, and Presidents at 1000% -- 2000% if they ask, "What Constitution?"

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