Bush declares war on freedom of the press
Doug Thompson at Capital Hill Blue - on the attempt by the Busheviks to stop the press from printing stories they don't want to get out. Why even Mr. Thompson received a National Sekurity Letter. He sent back the appropriate response: [clairefiles]
Fuck you. Strong letter to follow.
But the next day, Mr. Thompson penned just about all he can legally say about that National Sekurity Letter, in an essay he entitled, Telling the 'approved' story. Hilarious response to a chilling reality.
On an unspecified day last week an employee of a federal agency that cannot be revealed delivered a document that cannot be identified to a company that cannot be named seeking information that cannot be discussed.
The aforementioned federal agent left the unidentified document with an employee of the unnamed company. That employee then called the owner, who must remain anonymous, to inform him that the document that could not be identified sought information that could not be discussed. The owner who must remain anonymous instructed the employee to deliver the unidentified document to a lawyer whose name is protected by attorney-client privilege.