Papers, Please

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Wed, 30 Nov 2011 13:58:15 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

John Brennan at - commentary on how rude and downright mean the US immigration agents have become, compared to the warmth and friendliness of other countries.

All the rude, surly men and tough looking women who wish they were men dressed in black at the border, are only the tip of a giant lance that is aimed right at the heart of this country; a country I’m not sure I recognize any longer. I know there are bad guys trying to slip through the border, but the rest of us, with valid American passports, shouldn’t be treated with such contempt. A smile or friendly greeting would be much appreciated, instead of, "Where are you coming from, and what were you doing there?" The more I encounter this rudeness and intimidation, the more I want to never return.

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