Making Necessary Noise

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Tue, 28 Jun 2011 00:28:37 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Claire Wolfe at Loompanics via Martin Lindstedt - an oldie and very goodie from the 1997 Loompanics Catalog. [tmm]

My dangerous conclusion is this: We must not only resist bad laws with all our strength, but we must resist publicly, loudly and articulately. Some of us will be able to do this merely by advocating resistance in the abstract, as a matter of moral and historical right. Some of us will need to publicize our own, personal, principled resistance. Some of us may need to go so far as to stand in the public square and visibly disobey whatever damned law plagues us. All three of these courses could be hazardous to our health.

Nevertheless, we must make noise, make news and make a bloody nuisance of ourselves. We may need to get ourselves arrested, and ultimately may have to throw ourselves in front of tanks and machine guns, if it comes to that.

We need to send a message to the world so loud it can't be ignored, even if some of us must die to do it.

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