Libya, War, Gold, Interdependence, Liberty and the Rule of Law

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Fri, 04 Nov 2011 13:59:05 GMT  <== Politics ==>   <== Truledger ==> 

Rayservers - a discussion between Carlos Leal and Lorene Haggard, from Ms. Haggard's Facebook page, Court of Record. I have been slow to document this case, because I don't completely understand it. You can read more by clicking on the icons below. The Global Settlement Foundation is a replacement for the world's banking cabal. Based on Gold Globals and Silver Isles, 1/10 of a gram of gold and silver, respectively. Ledger and trading done with a Truledger installation at Branded clients available for download there. Disagreements adjudicated by the Global Isles Court of Record. Earlier blog posts also worth reading: David vs Goliath - An American Woman, The Queen of England and a Court of Record vs USA corp - a Discussion and David vs Goliath: The Sovereign, We the People vs United States of America.

Global Settlement FoundationPay Gold GlobalsGlobal Isles Court of Record

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