Kids and Gun Safety: The First Lesson

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 09:52:03 GMT  <== Guns ==> 

Kathy Jackson - safes are good, but real gun safety is between your kids' ears. How to put it there. Eddie Eagle to the rescue. Plus, let them handle any gun they want, unloaded, following the four rules, any time they want, as long as they ask you and you are present. This is virtually guaranteed to be effective:

After about two minutes, she'll be bored because face it, there's nothing exciting about safely holding an unloaded weapon pointing at nothing much, even if you've never done it before. Wait until she is bored, and says so; you want her to end this exploration.

Don't cut the time short yourself, because "bored" is exactly the feeling you want her to get from this.

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