It's Not All That Hard

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Wed, 06 Jul 2011 12:37:33 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Bob Wallace St Strike the Root - how Mr. Wallace discovered that economics, political science, and law, or at least the parts of those disciplines that match reality, are actually a single subject: natural law.

I realized the laws of political science and economics (actually it’s political economy) can be discovered just like the laws of physics and chemistry. This put me in the Natural Law camp – just as every one of the Founding Fathers were.


When “government” goes beyond protecting life, liberty and property, it always destroys. It’s as simple as that. The bigger the government, the more people, families, neighborhoods, education and everything else is damaged.  In other words, our life, liberty and property are always damaged by the growth of “government” when it goes beyond protecting those three things.

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