The Slavery of Politics

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Tue, 05 Jul 2011 14:18:03 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

R. K. Blacksher at Strike the Root - a good condemnation of constitutional democracy.

This argument highlights a very interesting parallel between Constitutionalists and communists. While members of both groups would likely be loath to admit it, Constitutionalists and communists are united by a shared delusion: the belief that their preferred system would work wonderfully if only "the right people" were in charge.

The problem is that within the confines of any system of domination and exploitation, “the right people” simply do not exist.


Why, then, are people surprised when societies in which leaders are chosen by democratic elections come to be dominated by liars, demagogues, and sociopaths? Why do so many people, from Constitutionalists to progressives to some libertarians, seem to think all of their problems can be solved by “throwing out the bums” and electing “the right people”?

The answer, I think, lies in another characteristic of democracy: its ingenious system of propaganda.

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