
Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Mon, 15 Jul 2013 10:12:20 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Claire Wolfe pens a major essay on the nature of the national-sekurity state that rules us.

What if you could sit Aunt Lyda and Uncle William and all the other members of the Average family down and point out to them that a government thats ridden with enormous secret agencies operating under secret law interpreted by secret courts is not, cannot be, and will never be, a democracy or a republic or whatever form youve been taught all these years to salute?

This government is a foreign thing. And all those people you think youre electing merely dance at the end of its strings. And it will never be reformed or held accountable because by its very nature it is totalitarian. It exists to rule you, period. And as long as your money and your belief feeds it, rule you it will.

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