Half Measures Are Full of Fail

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sun, 13 Feb 2011 20:45:56 GMT  <== Politics ==> 

Jim Davidson at The Libertarian Enterprise - encouraging one and all to join him in declaring sovereignty.

In the analysis of the word "government" as something other than externally imposed coercion, what could it mean to be "governed"? If it does not come from outside of you, could it come from within you? If you were to govern yourself, what would that be like?

It would mean choosing for yourself. It would mean taking choices on your own, without being supervised, without being threatened, without being deceived. It would mean being responsible for such choices as you entered with full knowledge, voluntary agreement, competence, where an exchange of value took place. In other words, it would mean being an adult.

Being free is not a decision you make. It is not a sign you hold. It is not a protest you attend. It is not a comment you make on a blog. It is not a hat you wear in a courthouse, nor a licence plate some group of thugs supply you to put on your car.

Rather, it is an attitude you have, about life. It is a way of living. Being free is an aspect of every choice you take, every interaction you have with others. Being free is being governed by no one other than yourself.

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