Buh Bye AGW

Submitted by Bill St. Clair on Sun, 04 Jun 2017 12:22:32 GMT  <== Politics ==>   <== Science/Technology ==> 

Say goodbye, warmists. Your jig is up. The "science" your politics is based on is complete bunk.

Principia Scientific outlines two new studies showing that there is no such thing as a greenhouse gas and not only does CO2 not cause warming, it's not even clear that human creation of it effects its concentration in the atmosphere.

I haven't yet read the papers themselves, and I doubt i'll understand them any better than I understand the warmist papers. The same goes for 99.999% of humanity. Warmism is a religion. Rationality and science have nothing to do with it.

I saved a copy at billstclair.com/bunk. My copies of the PDFs of the two studies are linked via "local copy".

The authors, who are experts trained in higher-level physics and chemistry, painstakingly apply a fresh eye to the convoluted and often contradictory assertions made by ill-trained researchers in the infant science of climate studies. It was discovered that due to deficiencies in understanding of the tougher concepts of thermodynamics, the poorly-trained generalists within the tight-knit climate community had overly relied on 19th century half-baked and simplistic interpretations.


"Nothing in the data supports the supposition that atmospheric CO2 is a driver of weather or climate, or that human emissions control atmospheric CO2."

The studies:

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Comments (1):

Good work, Bill. Now

Submitted by feralfae on Sun, 04 Jun 2017 13:41:07 GMT

Good work, Bill. Now if only anyone in government-licensed media would give this new equal time . . .
Peace to you today.

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